YITH WooCommerce Customer History Premium


Collect particular information on the pages your customers visit and increase the likelihood that they will make another purchase.
In business, numbers are critical!

Which is why, behind every major retailer, there are people analysing a variety of data.
Their mission is to develop workable solutions that maximise total profits.

Almost all e-commerce shops employ analytics to better understand their customers’ behaviour, but none of these technologies go the extra mile by analysing data from John Doe, your best customer.

And you must understand what John Doe does, not just any consumer who happens to wander over your website.

Would you like to know what Mr. John Doe is doing when visiting the pages of your store?

You might be astonished to learn that he views a particular product multiple times without purchasing it.

Without a doubt, it would be simple to contact him and offer him a targeted discount. A customised offer on a particular product would nearly always result in a new purchase.

Thus, now is your opportunity; we have released YITH WooCommerce Customer History, a plugin that enables you to view which pages each of your clients sees while browsing your store.

Additionally, this plugin enables you to track their average purchase value and recent purchases via a convenient customer chart.

Deal with the market safely and securely, and incrementally enhance the average worth of each customer.

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