YITH Infinite Scrolling Premium


We have grown accustomed to continually scrolling sites in the social network era, gaining access to the information of all our contacts. Similarly, the YITH Infinite Scrolling plugin implements this concept on your online store!

It’s a straightforward concept: the majority of your store’s missed sales are due to two primary factors: buyers spend very little time browsing your website and are frequently perplexed when they discover something different than usual.

This is why speeding up and simplifying navigation on your website with the use of a scrolling system similar to that seen on social media platforms may be the appropriate move to boost your sales!

Think about it: how many times did you reach page 2 of your Google search? Wouldn’t you continue to look at your search results if they kept coming as long as you scrolled down the page?

The majority of individuals do not peruse the many pages of search results and, when they do, they frequently lose sight of the items they are interested in or, worse, forget the page on which they discovered them.

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