YITH WooCommerce Anti-Fraud Premium


YITH WooCommerce Anti-Fraud resolves this issue by preventing suspected scammers from placing orders.
Every day, you zealously maintain your site; you have complete control over everything, from the tiniest expense to the most pleasurable revenue. Then, when you go over each order, you discover that you need to erase some of the sales due to fraudulent purchasing. Scams.

Are you aware that in the event of fraudulent purchases made with a credit card, the bank will pay the customer 90% of the time, costing you the sale and the product sold?

This plugin checks for suspicious behaviours throughout the purchase process by assigning them a risk coefficient. If the risk coefficient is set too high, the order is instantly blocked and marked as pending.
Meanwhile, you will receive an email and will be free to verify the potential buyer discreetly, requesting additional information prior to accepting the purchase of the product, and so forth. Two simple words: bid farewell to con artists!

YITH WooCommerce Anti-Fraud was created specifically for those merchants who are tired of doing the impossible in order to increase their customer base and sales only to run into a high rate of fraudulent purchases.

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